Remember back when you had perfect skin when you were a child? Do you dream of having this again? Well you can! We all know that experience and adulthood gives us unfortunate additives to our face including scars, acne, and discoloration due to sun exposure. Follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to an even toned complexion.
1. Always protect your skin from the sun! – The discoloration in skin can be from many things including hormones, pregnancy, and even birth control pills but it is usually from the sun. Not only can sun damage cause wrinkles and skin cancer on the heavier side, it can also give the skin unwanted freckles and brown spots. The good news is that you can prevent all of these conditions. Always wear sun screen and protective clothing when you are outside during the day. Unfortunately, this will no eliminate the sun spots that you already have but it will completely prevent any new ones from coming or worsen the current ones.
2. Exfoliate often – Exfoliation is magical because it removes the top layer of dead and dull skin leaving the new and glowing skin behind that was underneath it. Dead skin can make your face look uneven so when you exfoliate, your facial complexion takes on a much smoother look. To exfoliate, you can use chemical, manual, or enzyme processes. Just find the one that works best for you. Do this 1-2 times per week depending on whether you have sensitive skin or not. If so, exfoliate less often.
3. Moisturize – If you exfoliate, you have to moisturize. They go hand in hand. Moisturizing keeps you skin smooth and eliminates dry, flaky skin. Just as with exfoliates, there are a ton of different moisturizers that you can purchase out there, ranging from a cheap to expensive price. Look for a moisturizer that contains a lot of Vitamin E and antioxidants. This will ensure that you keep healthy and even skin.
4. Use makeup – Even though makeup will not actually correct your uneven skin tone, it will cover up your flaws and blemishes, making your skin appear even. Look for the foundation that is right for your specific skin tone and apply with blush. This will give you a perfect finish to your face.
5. Drink lots of water! – This is probably the number one thing that you can do for your skin. Not only is it the least expensive way, it is the most effective. You should drink at least eight cups of water per day. This will even out your skin tone and improve your health in the long run. Combining this treatment with the other 4 treatments will definitely give your skin its healthy and glowing appearance that it deserves. Just remember, this is not a one time thing that you can do and then forget about after seeing results. If you want to keep an even skin tone, you have to constantly do these steps and take care of your skin.
1. Always protect your skin from the sun! – The discoloration in skin can be from many things including hormones, pregnancy, and even birth control pills but it is usually from the sun. Not only can sun damage cause wrinkles and skin cancer on the heavier side, it can also give the skin unwanted freckles and brown spots. The good news is that you can prevent all of these conditions. Always wear sun screen and protective clothing when you are outside during the day. Unfortunately, this will no eliminate the sun spots that you already have but it will completely prevent any new ones from coming or worsen the current ones.
2. Exfoliate often – Exfoliation is magical because it removes the top layer of dead and dull skin leaving the new and glowing skin behind that was underneath it. Dead skin can make your face look uneven so when you exfoliate, your facial complexion takes on a much smoother look. To exfoliate, you can use chemical, manual, or enzyme processes. Just find the one that works best for you. Do this 1-2 times per week depending on whether you have sensitive skin or not. If so, exfoliate less often.
3. Moisturize – If you exfoliate, you have to moisturize. They go hand in hand. Moisturizing keeps you skin smooth and eliminates dry, flaky skin. Just as with exfoliates, there are a ton of different moisturizers that you can purchase out there, ranging from a cheap to expensive price. Look for a moisturizer that contains a lot of Vitamin E and antioxidants. This will ensure that you keep healthy and even skin.
4. Use makeup – Even though makeup will not actually correct your uneven skin tone, it will cover up your flaws and blemishes, making your skin appear even. Look for the foundation that is right for your specific skin tone and apply with blush. This will give you a perfect finish to your face.
5. Drink lots of water! – This is probably the number one thing that you can do for your skin. Not only is it the least expensive way, it is the most effective. You should drink at least eight cups of water per day. This will even out your skin tone and improve your health in the long run. Combining this treatment with the other 4 treatments will definitely give your skin its healthy and glowing appearance that it deserves. Just remember, this is not a one time thing that you can do and then forget about after seeing results. If you want to keep an even skin tone, you have to constantly do these steps and take care of your skin.