How To Do Winter Makeup

How To Do Winter Makeup: Many women dread winter because it brings challenges of dealing with drier weather. The drier air can sap skin of moisture and the cold and windy conditions cause many women to wonder how to do winter makeup.
How To Do Winter Makeup

During winter it is crucial to keep skin moisturized before applying makeup. Extra attention is required during the winter season as during the colder months the oil producing sebaceous glands, situated just below the surface of the skin, become less active. As a result the glands produce less moisture than usual. Additionally, with the changes in light during the winter months your entire skin care and makeup routine requires some adjustments.

First, start with applying a high quality moisturizer immediately after you wash your face or shower. Even in winter either your foundation or moisturizer should have a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Foundations with a lighter matte coloring and tinted powder with a light shimmer both look great in winter.

Next, during winter your makeup color selection should match the shades of the season. It is usually best to opt for more neutral shades of makeup, such as light grays, browns, pinks and purples. Additionally, a thin layer of a light creamy blush can enhance the subtle look you should adopt in winter.

Winter season calls for more defined eyes, and if you like to draw attention to one specific area of your face during the winter months it is often best to put the emphasis on your eyes. A smoky eye look will work well during winter months. Soft velvety shades are the best way to go in winter, and will make you look more polished and glamorous during the cold weather. The matte look with more subtle and understated shades, such as light chocolate, coffee and other smoky shades work best for the eyes. For a more sultry and sexy effect, try using eye shadows in auburn and cinnamon shades.

Colored mascara, like auburn, burgundy and navy, will give eye lashes a subtle color and add some depth as well, without it seeming too obvious. Try chocolate brown or light charcoal eyeliner along your upper lashes. A little sheen can be used to enhance the eyes, especially if you choose to use nude shades on your lips.

It is important to keep your lips moisturized too, in order to prevent them from chapping and becoming cracked and dry, and lip-gloss is a must throughout the day. Mild berry tones work best for the lips in winter and should replace the brighter summer shades. Glossy tones are in vogue again, as are the old favorite spicy hues. Tinted lip balms in red tones, such as currant and strawberry, as well as honey, look great during the winter season.

Try blackberry and copper polish to darken your fingernails. This is a perfect look for the winter season and will look best when applied on shorter nails. When choosing fragrances it is best to keep to spices or essence of essential oils and other natural aromas.